
Beginner’s Grammar of the Greek New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

Beginner’s Grammar has served as an excellent standard for beginning students in the study of New Testament Greek. The Greek of the New Testament is the Koiné of the first century A.D, and it is presented as such in this book. This resource was designed to lay down a firm foundation for those students who will be progressing onward in their Greek studies. One of the benefits of this text is that...

B. Translate into Greek: 1. In the world and in the temple. 2. From the temple and from heaven. 3. The apostles receive bread for the servants. 4. We know the law and believe. 5. The son wishes to speak to the children. LESSON 9 Present Indicative Middle 51. The Greek verb has three voices: active, middle, and passive. The active and passive voices are used as in English; the active voice represents the subject as acting; the passive voice represents the subject as acted upon. 52. The middle voice
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